# step 1: update nodeadm client
# https://github.com/CESSProject/cess-nodeadm/releases
wget https://github.com/CESSProject/cess-nodeadm/archive/vx.x.x.tar.gz
tar -xvf vx.x.x.tar.gz
cd cess-nodeadm-x.x.x
sudo ./install.sh --skip-dep
# step 2: update related images
$ sudo cess pullimg
# step 3: update config file
$ sudo cess config set
# Start configuring the endpoint to access Storage-Miner from the internet
# Do you need to automatically detect extranet address as endpoint? (y/n) need_detect
# ...
# step 4: restart service
$ sudo cess restart
For mineradm user
# step 1: update mineradm client
sudo wget https://github.com/CESSProject/cess-multiminer-admin/archive/latest.tar.gz -O /tmp/latest.tar.gz && cd /tmp
sudo tar -xvf latest.tar.gz
cd cess-multiminer-admin-latest
sudo bash ./install.sh --no-rmi --retain-config --skip-dep --keep-running
# step 2: update related images
$ sudo mineradm pullimg
# step 3: update config file
# Attention: Storage miner will not use public tee nodes on chain if set custom tee nodes in config.yaml
method 1: edit /opt/cess/mineradm/config.yaml based on the old config file: /opt/cess/mineradm/.old_config.yaml
method 2: use default value of apiendpoint/Timeout: cat /opt/cess/mineradm/.old_config.yaml > /opt/cess/mineradm/config.yaml
# step 4: generate new config file
$ sudo mineradm config generate
# step 5: restart service
$ sudo mineradm down
$ sudo mineradm install