
This function allows a registered OSS to update its information.

/// Update OSS Information
/// This function allows a registered OSS to update its information,
/// including its endpoint and domain. An OSS is a service provider that offers its services via a defined endpoint.
/// This function enables the OSS to modify its endpoint and provide an updated description of its services.
/// # Parameters
/// - `endpoint`: The new unique peer ID or endpoint that identifies the OSS and its services, represented as a byte array of length 38.
/// - `domain`: A bounded vector of up to 50 bytes representing the updated domain or description of the OSS's services.
/// # Returns
/// Returns a `Result` that, on success, contains a tuple with:
/// - `TxHash`: The transaction hash associated with the OSS information update.
/// - `OssUpdate`: A structure representing the result of the OSS update process.
pub async fn update(
    endpoint: [u8; 38],
    domain: BoundedVec<u8>,
) -> Result<(TxHash, OssUpdate), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>

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