Create a transaction to restore the order. When a miner's file cannot be restored, the data segment can be declared to create a recovery order. Wait for other miners to claim the order for recovery.
/// Creates a transaction to generate a restoration order for a file. This is used when a file cannot be restored by the current miner,/// and a recovery order needs to be created for other miners to claim.////// # Parameters////// - `file_hash`: The unique hash of the file for which the restoration order is being created./// - `restoral_fragment`: The data segment or fragment associated with the restoration process.////// # Returns////// Returns a `Result` that, on success, contains a tuple with:/// - `TxHash`: The transaction hash associated with the creation of the restoration order./// - `GenerateRestoralOrder`: A structure representing the result of the restoration order generation.///pubasyncfngenerate_restoral_order(&self, file_hash:&str, restoral_fragment:&str,) ->Result<(TxHash, GenerateRestoralOrder), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>