Running RPC Node

RPC nodes do not directly participate in block production like consensus nodes. Instead, they are responsible for verifying transactions and facilitating communication between different nodes and between nodes and clients, promoting transaction verification and on-chain information retrieval. There are two ways to run your own RPC node:

  1. Start it through the cess-nodeadm

  2. Run cess-node directly.

Through cess-nodeadm

  1. Check the latest version of cess-nodeadm Latest version of cess-nodeadm: ⚠️ Replace all occurrences of x.x.x in the following text with the latest version number. For example, if the latest version is v0.5.5, then replace x.x.x with 0.5.5.

  2. Check the installed version of cess-nodeadm Enter cess version in the console to check if the nodeadm version is the latest. If nodeadm is the latest version, you can skip step 3. If not, proceed to step 3 to install. If you do not see nodeadm version, it means cess-nodeadm is not installed, and you need to proceed to step 3 to install.

  3. Download and install the cess-nodeadm

    tar -xvf vx.x.x.tar.gz
    cd cess-nodeadm-x.x.x/
  4. Stop the RPC node service Enter the command: cess stop chain to stop the running RPC node service.

  5. Define script configuration parameters

    cess config set Enter cess node mode from 'authority/storage/watcher' (current: watcher, press enter to skip): watcher
    Enter cess node name (current: cess, press enter to skip): local-chain
    Enter cess chain pruning mode, 'archive' or number (current: null, press enter to skip): archive  #number of blocks saved
  6. Start the RPC node

    cess start chain
  7. Check if the RPC node is synchronizing blocks normally

docker logs chain

Running Directly

  1. Install the Rust environment Refer to the official Substrate tutorial

  2. Get the latest release version of cess-node Check the latest version of cess-node

    Taking v0.7.5 as the latest version, download and unzip the cess-node:

    tar -zxvf v0.7.5.tar.gz
  3. Compile cess-node

    Enter the cess-node directory:

    cd cess-0.7.5/
    cargo build --release
  4. Start the RPC service

    # For versions up to and including 0.7.5, enter:
    ./target/release/cess-node --base-path 【Your custom database path】 --chain cess-testnet --port 30333 --ws-port 9944 --rpc-port 9933 --unsafe-rpc-external --unsafe-ws-external --name 【Your custom name】 --rpc-cors all --ws-max-connections 2020 --state-pruning archive
    # For versions after 0.7.5, enter:
    ./target/release/cess-node --base-path 【Your custom database path】 --chain cess-testnet --port 30333 --rpc-port 9944 --unsafe-rpc-external --name 【Your custom name】 --rpc-cors all --rpc-max-connections 2020 --state-pruning archive

    If the node is printing block synchronization logs, it means it's running successfully.

    ⚠️ You need to keep cess-node running at all times; it is recommended to use screen or tmux commands to run cess-node in the background.

Last updated

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