Consistency Guarantee
As a decentralized distributed system, blockchain uses cryptographic protocols to jointly maintain the consistency of the entire system. Byzantine attacks refer to attacks in which attackers control several authorized nodes in a communication network and arbitrarily interfere with or destroy the network, which will make it impossible for blockchain nodes to reach a consensus. In the process of managing on-chain data on the CESS platform, there may be behaviors in which nodes maliciously clear on-chain data.
To this end, the CESS platform builds a hybrid and efficient consensus module. Among them, the CESS's random selection of rotating consensus node mechanism (R²S) ensures security and activity on the premise that the number of Byzantine (malicious) nodes in the system does not exceed the total number of nodes in the system. When there are f Byzantine nodes in the system, the entire network must have 3f+1 replica nodes to ensure that the entire network makes correct judgments, which can effectively prevent malicious behavior from being uploaded to the chain.
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