After a buyer locks a commission, if he wants to cancel the purchase during the lock-in period, he can call this transaction. The locked cess will then be returned to the buyer's wallet free balance.
/// Cancels a purchase action during the lock-in period and returns the locked funds to the buyer's wallet.
/// After a buyer locks a commission, they can call this transaction to cancel the purchase
/// during the lock-in period. The locked funds will then be returned to the buyer's free balance.
/// # Arguments
/// * `token` - A reference to a string slice that holds the authentication token.
/// # Returns
/// This function returns a `Result` which is:
/// * `Ok((TxHash, CancelPurchaseAction))` - A tuple containing the transaction hash and the `CancelPurchaseAction` struct.
/// * `Err(Box<dyn std::error::Error>)` - An error if the transaction fails.
pub async fn cancel_purchase_action(
token: &str,
) -> Result<(TxHash, CancelPurchaseAction), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>