Technical Highlight

1. Disaster Recovery Guarantee

The Proof of Data Reduplication and Recovery (PoDR²) protocol is designed to ensure the validity and availability of stored data by challenging storage nodes regularly. To prevent data loss and maintain data integrity in any situations, such as when some storage nodes are offline or even if a disaster occurs in part of the internet or data centers, the data files and can be recovered because of the redundant and recovery mechanism.

2. Verifiable Unused Storage

The Proof of Idle Space (PoIS) is designed to verify whether storage nodes have honestly contributed available storage resources to the CESS network, which will be used to store user data. Storage nodes can also exchange their storage contributions for incentives.

3. Smart Space Management

The CESS network aggregates storage space contributed by storage nodes from around the world in what we call Smart Space Management. For storage nodes, the committed storage space will be flexibly allocated and used by the CESS network. For users, it makes the CESS network like cloud storage, with features of horizontal scalability, elasticity, and durability.

4. Unified Storage Price

Unlike the storage space bidding of alternative decentralized storage protocols, CESS users only need to bid on a single price point on CESS storage. CESS middle layer has a pricing mechanism to calculate an optimized price point for storage users while balancing the incentives of storage providers.

5. IPFS Compatiblity

Will be launched in 2026 Q4

CESS is compatible with IPFS standard and allows developers to integrate their dApps with an array of storage solutions that utilize IPFS. Data stored on CESS can also be addressed with cryptographic hashes, making the content immutable and tamper-resistant.

6. Secure Data Access

Will be launched in 2026 Q3

Proxy Re-encryption Technology (PReT) is built on top of Public Key Encryption to allow users to authorize decryption permissions to others without disclosing the data's contents. User data is also processed and accessed in Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) within the storage nodes.

7. Fast Data Retrieval

Data indexing and Content Decentralized Delivery Network (CD²N) improve searching and download speed from user endpoints. Consensus mechanism has been iterated on top of Polkadot GRANDPA to achieve low gas fees and high transaction throughput.

8. Data Ownership Traceability

Will be launched in 2026 Q4

Data ownership can be verified with Multi-format Data Rights Confirmation technology (MDRC). This protocol extracts fingerprints from all data and permanently stores them on-chain for traceability.

Will be launched in 2025 Q4

Various organizations possess private data, some of which is sensitive or restricted by national laws, hindering its sharing for AI development. The CESS network offers a solution by facilitating the exchange of encrypted parameters and models through CESS AI-LINK, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations. This enables the creation of a global model where data remains secure and local, yet contributes to a broader industry or global AI framework without compromising privacy or regulatory compliance.

Last updated