
This is the interface for storage miners to register pois keys and is in the second stage of storage miner registration, the first stage being the call to the RegnstkSminer interface.

// RegisterPoisKey register pois key, storage miner registration
// requires two stages, this is the second one.
//   - poisKey: pois key
//   - teeSignWithAcc: tee's sign with account
//   - teeSign: tee's sign
//   - teePuk: tee's work public key
// Return:
//   - string: block hash
//   - error: error message
// Note:
//   - storage miners must complete the first stage to register for the second stage
func (c *ChainClient) RegisterPoisKey(poisKey PoISKeyInfo, teeSignWithAcc, teeSign types.Bytes, teePuk WorkerPublicKey) (string, error)

For the type definition, please refer to PoISKeyInfo, WorkerPublicKey

For example code, please refer to run.go

Last updated