Cancel Authorize

This function allows an account to cancel the authorization of another account (operator), revoking the operator's permissions or access rights to perform actions on behalf of the authorizing account.

/// Cancel Authorization of an Operator
/// This function allows an account to revoke the authorization of an operator,
/// removing their permissions or access rights to perform actions on behalf of the authorizing account.
/// # Parameters
/// - `account`: The identifier of the account whose operator authorization will be revoked.
/// # Returns
/// Returns a `Result` that, on success, contains a tuple with:
/// - `TxHash`: The transaction hash associated with the cancellation of the operator authorization.
/// - `CancelAuthorize`: A structure representing the result of the authorization cancellation process.
pub async fn cancel_authorize(
    account: &str,
) -> Result<(TxHash, CancelAuthorize), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>

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